3D Graphy organised a 3D Printing Session for INS Shivaji and 18 Naval Bases.
Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis ( Retd.) Associate Director, Defence & Marine, 3D GRAPHY LLP with Cmde Sameer Chowdhary Commanding Officer INS Shivaji.
Cmde Sameer Chaudhry assumed the command of INS Shivaji at Lonavla on 11 Mar 24.
Commodore Sameer Chaudhry was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 27 Nov 1993. He is graduated of Sixth Naval Engineering Course from Naval College of Engineering, INS Shivaji, Lonavla. He holds a M Tech degree from Powai in Corrosion Science and Engineering, M Phil in Defence Studies and Masters in Management. He has undergone Technical Management Course and Naval Higher Command Course at Naval War College.
The Commodore has served at INS Shivaji as an Instructor at Naval College of Engineering in 2002-05. His tours of duty encompass several important assignments, prestigious courses and challenging tenures at sea and ashore. His sea tenures include Engineer Officer onboard Minesweeper, Landing Ship Tanker, Inshore Patrol Ship and Fleet Engineer Officer of Eastern Fleet. The officer has served as Officer-in-Charge of Diesel testing and Tuning Team (Vishakhapatnam) and Machinery Trials Units (Mumbai). He has served as Deputy Manager, and Manager at Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam and Additional General Manager (Production) in Naval Dockyard Mumbai where he was involved in repair and Maintenance of ships/ submarines. He was also Additional Command Engineer Officer of Eastern Naval Command, Vishakhapatnam.
Prior to assuming command of INS Shivaji, he was handling the Directorate of Marine Engineering at Naval Headquarters as Cmde (Marine Engineering) where he was involved in planning and policy issues related to induction, trials, acceptance, inspection, Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engineering equipment and System of IN Ships and submarines.
INS Shivaji was commissioned as HMIS Shivaji from Feb 1945, and since then, the premier Technical Training Establishment of the Indian Navy trains officers and sailors of the Marine Engineering Branch and equips them with professional skills and expertise
The Centre of Marine Engineering Technology (CMET), established in 1987, is the largest training department of the establishment and is entrusted with professional training of Marine Engineer Officers and Sailors of the Indian Navy (IN). While the officers undergo Marine Engineering Specialisation Course (MESC) post completion of their basic training, the sailors undergo training at CMET for their ab-initio and career progression linked courses. In addition, CMET also conducts Pre-Commissioning Training (PCT) for CO/XO, Engineer Officers, Electrical Officers and sailors for almost 47 different types of Ships. Personnel from Indian Coast Guard and several other friendly foreign navies are also trained at CMET, Shivaji.