3D Graphy Engineering & Medical ( 3D GEM ) International event
3D GRAPHY ENGINEERING & MEDICAL ( 3D GEM ) event is an initiative conducted across India with participants from different industry and sectors who join to learn, networking and benefit from different 3D technology solutions.

3D GEM event has 4 Main important activities
- We include different sessions on different subjects conducted across 2 days. 3D Technology is the key focus of the event with topics on 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Software, 3D Simulation, 3D Design (Design for Additive Manufacturing), 3D Visualisation – AR, VR, MR , Digital Twin & Material science (3d Printable Metal, Polymer, resin, bio-inks, ceramics and others ) used in Engineering, Industrials manufacturing, dental and medical. We are expected to have 3d technology experts and end users join for knowledge & networking translating to business. The main theme of the event is “ Democratizing 3D Technology with education & research to benefit all ”
- The conference will have Scientific Sessions on topics related to Engineering & Industrial Manufacturing on the first day with the title 3D GRAPHY ENGINEERING: “ Democratising 3D technology to benefit engineering and Industrial Manufacturing across sectors” – a day dedicated to sectors like Aerospace, Defence, Drones, Automotive, Oil & Gas, Energy, Railways, Shipbuilding, Architecture, Construction, Engineering, tooling, Packaging and others. Similarly on the following day, the title of the event is 3D GRAPHY MEDICAL – “ Democratising 3D technology to benefit Dental & Medical practitioners for better patient outcomes” which will address specialisation is Dental, Neuro, Orthopaedic, Cardiology, Medical Devices, Orthotics, Prosthetics, Pharmaceutical sciences, Tissue Engineering and others.
- Some of the Industry Associations and Govt. Institution participating in the event includes National Small Scale Industries – Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt of India, Aeronautical Society of India, MRO Association of India, Society for Aerospace, Maritime & Defence Studies, 3D Printing Education& Research Association, National Centre for Additive Manufacturing, Aerospace & Defence Consultants Association of India, Council of Architecture, Association of Healthcare Providers ( India), Association of Indian Medical Devices Industry, Indian Dental Association, Indian Society of Oral Implantologist, Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons of India, Indian Orthopaedic Association, Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, Orthotics & Prosthetics Association of India, Society of Biomaterials & Artificial Organs and many others who will join.
- Is an initiative to invite aspirants from all Engineering college from Mechanical, Mechatronics, Medical College, Dental College, Orthotics & Prosthetics college, Pharma College, Design Schools, Architecture college, Tissue Engineering and Material Science institutes to participate in Poster Presentations. The invitation is also extended to NON- STUDENTS who are either faculty from research or individuals, entrepreneurs or organization who have created innovative products to share the practical applications of the 3d technology solutions. They will be sharing their respective abstract with their latest efforts in R & D achieved in 3D technologies – 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design, 3D Simulation, 3D Visualisation – AR, VR, MR, Digital Twin & 3D printable materials. The participation is extended to all IIT’s, NIT’s, Engineering College, Architecture, Design schools, Medical College, Dental Colleges, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Pharma College and also Companies and Organizations. The participants will be acknowledged with the Poster Presentation Awards once selected by a learned team of 3D technology experts who is a part of our Jury Panel. The poster presentation participation is open for Students and Non- Students. Non – Students will be either individual / Organisation (Consultants, 3D tech Freelancers, Scientist, Researcher, Entrepreneurs, Manufacturer, Start-ups, 3D technology expert, 3D printing cos, 3D Printing Service Provider, Doctors, Surgeons, Engineers, Designers, Maker, 3D Enthusiast or any professional in his or her respective field who would like to grow in 3D technology)
All the selected poster presenter will make their respective presentation from the event stage to all the participants. Jury for the Poster Presentation Awards and the participants will share their opinion to identify the winners from the selected number of poster presenters.
Benefits of the participation:
The platform will help participants from Institutes and industry to gain insights on the latest developments and research in 3D technologies achieved across sectors in India to Globally compete. It will also help the industry to identify the expertise of new innovators into research creating job or business opportunities for participants absorbed by the companies present in the event and later with our reference shared to them. The innovative products can be further supported by Investor’s also participating in the event. For participation in the poster presentation the abstract need to be submitted by filling the Poster Presentation form.
Display and showcasing the latest 3D technologies which will include – 3D Printers, 3D Scanners, 3D Software ( Modelling, 3D Design and 3D Simulation ), 3D Visualisation ( AR, VR, MR and Digital Twin ) and 3D Printable materials ( Metal, polymers, composites, resin, bio inks etc). The platform is a good buyer and seller meeting place for both the engineering and medical sector. End users across industries from India and Globe join to see an opportunity to learn and then book their interest to procure the 3d technology solutions exhibited by companies. It is a great sponsorship and exhibiting platform for 3D technology companies to showcase there 3D products and 3D solutions.
- It is imperative to identify the initiators and innovators in 3D technology to motivate active participation for growth and development. 3D GEM AWARDS is the platform recognizing the initiator in 3d technology across sectors and specialization. Currently it is divided in two main categories 3D GRAPHY ENGINEERING AWARDS & 3D GRAPHY MEDICAL AWARDS. Both the categories is further divided into two different nominations’. Poster Presentation Awards and Special awards.In case of Poster Presentation Awards the jury will decide from the number of register poster presentation made on the day to finally decide the winners through an evaluation method.
- Special awards will have categories for best 3d printer machine technologies, 3d software, 3d simulation, 3d printable materials, 3d design ( DfAM, Generative Design), best product development using 3d technology with practical applications etc.
3D GEM 2025 – is the upcoming 5th edition of an international event held on 9th & 10th October 2025 in Bengaluru, India. The event is supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information technology, Govt. of India and 28 industry associations representing the end users. More details can be found in the event website WWW.3DGEM.IN
3D Graphy Events

Upcoming 5th edition of 3D GEM 2025 to be held at JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru on 9th & 10th October