3D GRAPHY KNOWLEDGE FORUM : A platform sharing insights about the latest 3D technology inclusion in 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation. The forum is a platform introducing 3D technology solutions to end users from different industries.
The current meeting was very specific to Semiconductor industry – Topic : “3D Printing for Semiconductor Industry”.
A Virtual meeting was arranged by 3D Graphy on 15th June on Saturday at 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm to introduce Dr. Ajai Chowdhry, Co Founder, HCL & EPIC Foundation India and 3D Graphy Associate Corporate Members who a 3D technology companies.
Participants for the meeting included :
Dr. Ajai Chowdhry, Co Founder, HCL & EPIC Foundation India.
Dr. Sankha Dip Das, Scientist E, Ministry for Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of India
Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis ( Retd.), Associate Director, Defence & Marine, 3D Graphy LLP
Dr. Shibu John, Founder & CEO, 3D Graphy LLP
Dr. Winstone Deaver, Business Associate, Course Trainer, 3D Graphy LLP
Ms. Tejal Modi, Head, PR & Communication, 3D Graphy LLP, Editor, 3D Graphy News
Mr. Nitheen Kumar, COO, Shree Rapid technologies Pvt Ltd
Mr. Saroop Chand, MD, Adroitec Information Systems Ltd
Mr. Rajesh M, Consultant, Monotech Systems Ltd.
Mr. Anand K, Manager, Sarto Electro Equipments Pvt.
Conclusion : Dr. Ajai Chowdhry, Co Founder, HCL & EPIC Foundation India expressed his interest to work together as a catalyst and help the 3D Graphy community to be introduced to the manufacturers of Semiconductors who would like to integrate the technology for manufacturing. Dr. Ajay Chowdhry EPIC foundation India as a Key Advisor is also been invited to join as an Industry Association Partner in the 3D GEM 2024 event held on 9th & 10th November in IIT Delhi. On the 9th November we have a dedicated Session 2 with the topic – ” 3D printing & 3D Visualisation for Electronics & Semiconductor industry”.
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