3D Graphy to start the 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation course certified with National Skill Development Corporation, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is a not-for-profit public limited company incorporated on July 31, 2008 under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (corresponding to section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013). NSDC was set up by Ministry of Finance as Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Government of India through Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) holds 49% of the share capital of NSDC, while the private sector has the balance 51% of the share capital. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is the principal architect of the skill ecosystem in the country. It is a unique Public Private Partnership (PPP) enterprise working under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India. NSDC was established with the objective to catalyse the skilling ecosystem for private sector participation and be the strategic implementation and knowledge partner to Skill India Mission to build efficient vocational training initiatives, empowering India’s youth. NSDC provides support to enterprises, start-ups, companies, and organizations that are creating an impact by offering a world of opportunities in futuristic skills to the potential workforce. The organization develops appropriate models to enhance, support, and coordinate private sector initiatives in skilling by offering funding support to eligible entities, concessional loans to the candidates along with other innovative financial products, and builds strategic partnerships.

3D Graphy to start the 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation course certified with National Skill Development Corporation, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India Read More »

3D Graphy signs MOU with AHPI

Association of Healthcare Providers (India) represents the majority of healthcare providers in India.

It works as “not for profit” organization and advocates with the government, regulatory bodies and other stake holders on issues, which have bearing on enabling its members organizations to deliver appropriate healthcare services to community at large. The association functions through an empowered secretariat which facilitates the members organizations in improving their systems, processes and outcomes on continuous basis, in line with the vision, mission and objectives of the association.
Association of Healthcare Providers (India) represents the majority of healthcare providers in India.


3D GRAPHY LAB will be responsible for offering 3D Technology Training, Medical Services & Research and development (Neurology, Dental, Craniofacial, Maxillofacial, ENT, Orthopaedics, Prosthesis, Orthosis, Plastic Surgery, Medical Devices and Innovative Medical appliances ) for hospitals. 3D technology includes 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Imaging, 3D Design, 3D Imaging, 3D Modelling, 3D Simulation and 3D Visualisation. Medical Services would include pre-operative surgical planning, customised medical appliances, Patient Specific Implants for dental, orthopaedic, neurology, cardiology and other medical specialisation. Research & Development will be on various material science, innovative design, algorithm etc. We will facilitate R & D working in-confluence with hospitals and various research institutes including IIT’s in India.

Roles and Responsibilities ( Features) –

1. The first initiator advantage as a one stop 3D solution for hospitals in India.
2. 3D Consultancy – assistance of the work flow and making the right choice of 3D printer, 3D software, 3D Scanners, 3D simulation, 3D Visualisation .i.e. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality based on the choice of Lab set up in Tier 1 and Tier 2 hospitals with footfalls identified, specialisation and other background assessment.
3. 3D Graphy consortium with multiple 3d technology partners will help our hospital partners to get the best competitive price and services since it works as a neutral body.
4. Patient Satisfactory Index TM – 3D Graphy Lab will offer a hands on experience for both doctors and Patients to ensure the right procedure is understood with 3D printed Models and 3D Visualisation.This will boost the confidence of the patients and the doctors ensuring us to measure the patient satisfactory index.
5. Introduction of new antimicrobial materials for surgical guides, fixtures, customised medical devices and appliance used in the hospital as best practices.
6. As a part of the 3d Graphy consortium the hospital will get to actively access details of innovative applications with best practices followed by other centres in the chain of Labs.
7. As a 3D Graphy member the hospital will have flexibility for either procuring the 3D solutions for an inhouse set-up or if does not choose to invest in the set with the 3D technology can also get the services organised by a third party 3D Graphy Lab or a centres operating in the respective city who is also our 3D graphy member in the consortium.
8. The network will help the hospital to get the best possible solution as per their requirements if not ready to invest in the 3D technology solution in the very being.
9. 3D Graphy member hospital can also be part of research and development with certification from research Institutes on the subject of design and materials with customised medical devices for doctors.
10. Assistance of human resource in the 3D Graphy Lab – with trained man power or ensuring interns and biomedical engineers to be trained on the subject for efficient execution.
11. Invitation for the hospital to attend the 3D Graphy virtual and physical events for knowledge and networking.

3D Graphy signs MOU with AHPI Read More »

3D Graphy organised a 3D Printing Session for INS Shivaji

3D Graphy organised a 3D Printing Session for INS Shivaji and 18 Naval Bases. Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis ( Retd.) Associate Director, Defence & Marine, 3D GRAPHY  LLP with Cmde Sameer Chowdhary Commanding Officer INS Shivaji.    Cmde Sameer Chaudhry assumed the command of INS Shivaji at Lonavla on 11 Mar 24. Commodore Sameer Chaudhry was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 27 Nov 1993. He is graduated of Sixth Naval Engineering Course from Naval College of Engineering, INS Shivaji, Lonavla. He holds a M Tech degree from Powai in Corrosion Science and Engineering, M Phil in Defence Studies and Masters in Management. He has undergone Technical Management Course and Naval Higher Command Course at Naval War College. The Commodore has served at INS Shivaji as an Instructor at Naval College of Engineering in 2002-05. His tours of duty encompass several important assignments, prestigious courses and challenging tenures at sea and ashore. His sea tenures include Engineer Officer onboard Minesweeper, Landing Ship Tanker, Inshore Patrol Ship and Fleet Engineer Officer of Eastern Fleet. The officer has served as Officer-in-Charge of Diesel testing and Tuning Team (Vishakhapatnam) and Machinery Trials Units (Mumbai). He has served as Deputy Manager, and Manager at Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam and Additional General Manager (Production) in Naval Dockyard Mumbai where he was involved in repair and Maintenance of ships/ submarines. He was also Additional Command Engineer Officer of Eastern Naval Command, Vishakhapatnam. Prior to assuming command of INS Shivaji, he was handling the Directorate of Marine Engineering at Naval Headquarters as Cmde (Marine Engineering) where he was involved in planning and policy issues related to induction, trials, acceptance, inspection, Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engineering equipment and System of IN Ships and submarines.     INS Shivaji was  commissioned as HMIS Shivaji from Feb 1945,  and since then, the premier Technical Training Establishment of the Indian Navy trains officers and sailors of the Marine Engineering Branch and equips them with professional skills and expertise The Centre of Marine Engineering Technology (CMET), established in 1987, is the largest training department of the establishment and is entrusted with professional training of Marine Engineer Officers and Sailors of the Indian Navy (IN). While the officers undergo Marine Engineering Specialisation Course (MESC) post completion of their basic training, the sailors undergo training at CMET for their ab-initio and career progression linked courses. In addition, CMET also conducts Pre-Commissioning Training (PCT) for CO/XO, Engineer Officers, Electrical Officers and sailors for almost 47 different types of Ships. Personnel from Indian Coast Guard and several other friendly foreign navies are also trained at CMET, Shivaji.

3D Graphy organised a 3D Printing Session for INS Shivaji Read More »

3D GRAPHY LLP to jointly work in-confluence with MUHS Nasik promoting 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation in Health Sciences.

About MUHS Nasik :

The state Government of Maharashtra has established and incorporated an independent University of the health Sciences for the purposes of ensuring proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training and research in modern medicine and Indian system of medicine in the State of Maharashtra and to have balanced growth in the medical sciences so also in uniformity in various courses in medical faculty in the State, and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

It was with this objective the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences was established in Nashik city of Maharashtra State on 03rd June 1998 by promulgating the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998. However since inception, the foundation is celabrated on 10th June, every year. Initially, the University was functional at Gangapur Road, Nashik. In 2004 University headquarters shifted to Mhasrul, Dindori Road, Nashik at its own building.

The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) is guided by a strategic agenda providing right direction to the health science education in the State. Its consistency of purpose, its goal and mission will no doubt help health science education and thus health & education services to reach a high level of elevation.

The University shall be both, a teaching and an affiliating University.

2) Objectives

As per MUHS Act 1998, u/s 4, objectives of the University are,

a) to carry out its responsibility of creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

b) to promote discipline and the spirit of intellectual inquiry and to dedicate itself as a fearless academic community to the sustained pursuit of excellence.

c) to encourage individuality and diversity within a climate or tolerance and mutual understanding.

d) to promote freedom secularism, equality and social justice as enshrined in the Constitution of India and to be catalyst in socio-economic transformation by promoting basic attitudes and values of essence to national development.

e) to extend the benefits of knowledge and skills for development of individuals and society by associating the University closely with local and regional problems of development.

f) to carry out social responsibility as an informed and objective critic, to identify and cultivate talent, to train the right kind of leadership in all walks of life and to help younger generation to develop right attitudes interests and values.

g) to promote equitable distribution of facilities of Health Sciences education.

h) to provide for efficient and responsive administration, scientific management and develop organization of teaching and research.

i) to promote acquisition of knowledge in rapidly developing and changing society and to continually offer opportunities of upgrading knowledge, training; and skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all fields of human endeavor by developing educational network related to Health Sciences with use of modern communication media and technologies appropriate for a learning society.

j) to strive to promote competitive merit and excellence as the sole guiding criterion in all academic and other matters relating to students.

k) to impart education and training to achieve the goal of physical, mental spiritual health of every individual.

l) to create better understanding between different systems of medicines through interdisciplinary study and research.

m) to establish and develop Indian Systems or Medicine so as to keep he of a healthy individual and to cure the disease or diseased individual.

3) Mission statement

Dissemination, creation, preservation of knowledge and understanding by teaching, research, extension and service and by effective demonstration and influence of its corporate life on society, in general, with specific objectsas provided in the MUHS Act, 1998.

4) Jurisdiction

The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences established by the state with jurisdiction over the whole of the State of Maharashtra.

5) Faculties

i) Medical (i.e. Modern Medicine)
ii) Dentistry
iii) Ayurved and Unani
iv) Homoeopathy
v) Allied Faculties

Based on the rich values of MUHS it is with great pride 3D Graphy has formally agreed to propagate 3D technology in Medical, Dental and Ayurveda where 3D printing & 3D Visualisation is a going to be a Game Changer for Students and professional to learn the potential of this technology. The initiative is to engage and conduct Training, events, research and promote innovative product development in Health Sciences.

The initiative was discussed and supported by Lt General Madhuri Kanitkar, Vice Chancellor, MUHS Nasik in the presence of the board of directors of MUHS Nasik and Dr. Shibu John, Founder & CEO, 3D Graphy LLP and Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis, Associate Director, 3D Graphy LLP.

3D GRAPHY LLP to jointly work in-confluence with MUHS Nasik promoting 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation in Health Sciences. Read More »


The National Centre for Additive Manufacturing (NCAM) is envisaged to build a comprehensive ecosystem of additive manufacturing in India by enabling the adoption of additive manufacturing in the industry, prototyping new products and focusing on indigenization, access to state of art infrastructure, enabling research and development of standards and new product development, and promoting skill development activities to generate quality manpower.

3D Graphy LLP a 3D technology group which is constituted for promoting 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation in India has signed an MOU with NCAM to work in-confluence together for dissemination and propagation.

The intent is through events, training, education, online media, supporting research and development for new products and innovation.

NCAM is also a strategic partner with 3D GRAPHY ENGINEERING & MEDICAL events conducted in India. And international event for 3D Printing & 3D Visualisation every year promoting 3D technology across Industries.

3D GRAPHY LLP signs MOU with NCAM Read More »


AMTRON has always been ahead on the Technology Curve since the very inception in 1984. We take pride in being amongst the first focused software services companies in North Eastern India, also being amongst the first to launch software products way back in 1989. Besides, with over 24 years of experience in delivering solutions in Telecom and the IT-domain, AMTRON happens to be the pioneers in finding IT-enabled solutions of the future. AMTRON has played a significant role in extending technology and services to organizations to maximise competitive advantage and grow market share. AMTRON’s solutions and services can be integrated easily with support from professional expertise in open source making any project cost-effective and viable for any enterprise. Today it is a visible and vibrant force in the electronics scenario of the north-east. AEDC Ltd. has grown quietly over the years to make itself capable of meeting the challenges of the Information Revolution. Today it has become almost indispensable for any IT activity in the region, be it for consultancy, design, standardization or taking up turn key projects for development of IT infrastructure in the NE Region. AMTRON offers a wide range of software services from the traditional application management through to the enablement of e-commerce. AMTRON’s commitment to partnership in delivering world class software services ensures that its project teams remove responsibility and worry and perform as an extension to the customer’s own IT division. The unique Global/Local structure of the company ensures that every team is aware of the business and cultural differences in the customer’s location. We can guarantee quality and service. AMTRON has played a significant role in the areas of developing and boosting up open source technologies. For last few years, at AMTRON, a hardworking and experienced team of software developers is providing solutions and developing softwares for various organizations of North East India using open source technologies. AMTRON has developed technological solutions for using VoIP in organizations. One of our teams is dedicated in developing and providing solutions for VoIP technology. Already we have installed VoIP systems for some organizations in Assam.


3D GEM Council Member – Dr. Murugaiyan Amirthalingam, Associate Professor, Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras is invited as a Council Member of 3DGEM

= (Left) Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis(Retd.) Ex- CTO, Indian Navy, Association Director, 3D GRAPHY LLP, Dr. Murugaiyan Amirthalingam, Associate Professor, IIT Madras, Dr.Shibu John, Founder & Secretary, 3D Printing Education & Research Association, Founder, 3D GRAPHY LLP & ( Extreme Right) Dr. Winstone Deaver, Associate Business Manager, 3D GRAPHY LLP

3D GEM Council Member – Dr. Murugaiyan Amirthalingam, Associate Professor, Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras is invited as a Council Member of 3DGEM Read More »

“3D Printing for the Pharmaceutical Industry” – A Day Workshop with Bombay College of Pharmacy : Organised by 3D GRAPHY LLP

Dr. Shibu John, Founder & CEO, 3D Graphy LLP introducing 3D technology solutions in the 3D Printing for Pharmaceutical Industry event which was held on 16th March 2024. An event organised by 3D GRAPHY & Indian Pharmaceutical Association Maharashtra State Branch with Bombay College of Pharmacy. 3D Graphy from it association of 42 plus companies introduced some of the relevant 3D Graphy Associate Members who offers specific 3D technology solutions to Pharmaceutical Sciences. We introduced 3DFYING who is an indigenous 3d printer manufacturer for Customised Drugs, Adroitec Information Systems who is a reseller for Bioprinter machine of Hyrel 3D, Shree Rapid Technologies offering solutions and machine in nano fabrication for medical devices and Microfluides with their brand Boston Micro fabrication.

“3D Printing for the Pharmaceutical Industry” – A Day Workshop with Bombay College of Pharmacy : Organised by 3D GRAPHY LLP Read More »

3D GEM 2024 Organising Committee Members – International event to be held on 9th & 10th November organised by IIT Delhi & 3D Graphy

(From left) Cmde. Niranjan Khardenavis, Associate Director, Defense & Marine, 3D Graphy; (in the center) Dr. Sunil Jha, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi & (towards the right) Dr. Shibu John, Founder & Secretary, 3D Printing Education & Research Association, Founder & CEO, 3D GRAPHY LLP. IIT Delhi is the organizing Partner of the 3D GRAPHY ENGINEERING & MEDICAL ( 3D GEM ) 2024 event to be scheduled on 9th & 10th November in IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. For more details of the event, visit www.3dgem.in Dr. Sunil Jha is one of the organizing Committee member of the International event. His areas of Interest is advanced machining and Finishing Processes, micro- and Nanofinishing, Mechatronics, Robotics, Manufacturing Automation, Smart Fluids, Magnetorheological (MR) fluids and their applications. He is a Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. 3D GEM 2024 will promote 3D technologies to all the major sectors in India. The event is supported by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, National Centre for Additive Manufacturing, MSME Start ups in Defence Equipments, New Product Development, Medical Equipments and 18 different industry associations.

3D GEM 2024 Organising Committee Members – International event to be held on 9th & 10th November organised by IIT Delhi & 3D Graphy Read More »

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